Community News

Dump Cards 2020-2021

The dump cards for the 2020-2021 year are in the mail. If you have not received yours by June 5, 2020, please call 760-983-4595 or email and we can get one out to you. Please be aware these cards are not valid until 7/1/2020.


The Wrightwood parks are now open. The CSD voted 5/18/2020 to reopen the parks (including skatepark) but the playgrounds are still closed. The CSD asks all park users to practice social distancing (6 feet away) and mask wearing.


The Wrightwood CSD has closed the Community Building, Parks (including Skate Park), and Firehouse until further notice. We are doing this to protect our family, friends, and neighbors. The Board voted to exempt the Farmer’s Market and Tri Community Co-op as they provide food shopping opportunities. Dump cards are still available by calling 760-249-3205 but…

March 17, 2020 SPECIAL Meeting 5:30pm

For the Special Board meeting tonight  March 17,2020 at 5:30pm, you don’t need to phsically appear at the Community Building to participate.  Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and social distancing we encourage everyone to join the meeting remotely via phone. The meeting will be fully recorded as usual and will be placed in the public record. Below…

Parks & Recreaton Coordinator Needed

Community minded and enthusiastic Parks and Recreation Coordinator to direct existing programs such as (adult softball, youth flag football, corn hole, etc.) and develop future programs and events. This is a part-time position. Please see the WCSD website ( for job description. Please email a cover letter and resume to: and Recreation ManagerParks and…

April 2, 2019 Board Meeting Agenda – Cancelled

First let me apologize for the cancellation and rescheduling of the April 2nd meeting. There has been adjustments to the Brown act over the years and this year one of those adjustments is that posting the Agenda on the website should follow the same posting rules as placing the Agenda at various locations in town.…