Regular Meeting Scheduled for April 8th. The meeting starts at 6:30pm @ the Community Building
First let me apologize for the cancellation and rescheduling of the April 2nd meeting. There has been adjustments to the Brown act over the years and this year one of those adjustments is that posting the Agenda on the website should follow the same posting rules as placing the Agenda at various locations in town. That is to say that the regular meeting agenda should be posted no later than 72 hours. Even though the other places around town such as The Community Building, Old Fire Station and the Hardware Store did have the Agenda posted on time, the website did not.
Out of concern for the Brown Act and just common courtesy, we want everyone on this list the chance to review the backup material and the Agenda items, as such we are moving the meeting to Monday April 8th.
I apologize for the inconvenience knowing that some of you have this meeting as part of your regular schedule.
–Wes Zuber, Board Member & President WCSD