Community News
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event
Wrightwood Hazardous Waste Collection Event
General Manager Application Packet
GM Recruitment Packet
Community Ambulance Membership Plan
Community Ambulance Membership Plan
Tri-Comm Green Waste Recycling Days – June 3, 4 & 5 9am-3pm
Road Closures in June
Road Work and Closures
Veteran’s Memorial Brick Eagle Scout Project
Grayson Rushworth is doing his Eagle Scout project to purchase and install bricks in the Veteran’s Park. Bricks can be purchased starting at $50. The memorial brick project has personal significance to Grayson and the Veteran’s Committee has approved the project. Bricks can be purchased at or order forms can be found online and…
Effective May 10, 2021, the Wrightwood Community Building will be opening up our hours to 8am – 1pm. We are taking rental applications and softball signups are currently going on. The Community Building is open 8am – 11am currently, but we are excited to go back to a “normal” schedule. Face masks are still required…
Outside Consultant Snow Plow Powers Report
Consultant Snow Plow Report snow report attachment 1 thru 3 snow attachment 4 snow report attachment 5 snow report attachment 6
The Wrightwood Community Building is open again but under strict protocols. Staff is available Monday-Friday 8am – 11am currently but as the state continues to open, more hours will be added. We are currently taking rental applications but gatherings are limited to 40 socially distanced and masked people. As the state and county advance through…